Every Black Life Matters president knocks Black Lives Matter movement as 'too narrow' in scope

Every Black Life Matters President Kevin McGary hit the Black Lives Matter movement for being "too narrow" in its scope in an appearance on "Fox & Friends Weekend" Sunday.

"If you think about it, before Black lives can matter, every single Black life would have to matter, specifically," McGary said.

McGary argued that Black Lives Matter is missing the bigger picture by being too consumed with exposing apparent cases of White-on-Black citizen police brutality, 

The efforts of Every Black Life Matters, McGary explained, are more widespread. His organization, he said, "stands" with families who have been affected by the often violent protests and riots that have erupted in major U.S. cities over the past year in response to the police-involved deaths of Black citizens - such as the widely reported death of George Floyd in Minneapolis while in police custody in May of last year.

McGary also highlighted education as one of his group's areas of concern. As opposed to BLM, Every Black Life Matters promotes school choice as a way to help put Black Americans on more of a "level ing field," McGary noted.

McGary also highlighted education as one of his group's areas of concern. As opposed to BLM, Every Black Life Matters promotes school choice as a way to help put Black Americans on more of a "level playing field," McGary noted.

He went on to dispute the premise that racism is embedded in U.S. institutions and has held back Black students from achieving success, a seemingly core aspect of critical race theory, a controversial curriculum that has won the support of many progressives.

Read More:  FOXnews.com
