First lady of Turkey lauds Int'l Day of Islamic Art

First lady of Turkey Emine Erdogan

First lady of Turkey Emine Erdogan on Friday hailed The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s decision to mark Nov. 18 as the International Day of Islamic Art.

“I welcome United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's announcement of November 18 as International Day of Islamic Art,” Emine Erdogan tweet on Twitter, sharing a painted image of the Arabic letter waw.

“I believe that the elegance of the Islamic civilization in the field of art will revive the refinement that we have lost in the world we live in.”

Emphasizing Turkey’s historically significant place in the field, she added: “I think that the International Day of Islamic Art is an important opportunity to introduce this prestigious art to the world."

Proclaimed in 2019, the International Day of Islamic Art aims to raise awareness of past and contemporary artistic expressions of Islam, and the contribution of culture through Islamic Art to civilization, according to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Celebrating the day “encourages the appreciation of Islamic art  contributes to cultural diversity, freedom of expression, protection of cultural heritage and is also a way to foster tolerance between peoples,” reads a statement.
