First Gentleman of Kansas,Ted Daughety

First Gentleman of Kansas,Ted Daughety and his wife Laura Kelly’

Ted Daughety
 has been at Governor of Kansas Laura Kelly’s side for 36 years life. After his wife took on a role placing her in the public eye, Daughety strives to keep his days normal.

“I have got my own work, I am full-time as a doc,” said Ted Daughety.

Ted Daughety is a pulmonologist specializing in sleep disorders in Topeka and Lawrence, spending four days a week in the office. However, a lot of his time is still spent moving their things into the governor of Kansas’s mansion, Cedar Crest, and adjusting to their new house.

Laura Kelly is here almost every night and much more relaxed, I mean my wife is really enjoying the work, so that the end of the day she comes here and unwinds and tells me what they have found to work on today and is excited about it,” Ted Daughety said.

Ted Daughety enjoys activities spent outdoors, including bike riding, kayaking, and gardening. The First Gentleman says he and Governor of Kansas Laura Kelly are a lot alike.

“Similar interests, similar values, and that makes it a lot easier,” Ted Daughety said.

But there is one characteristic that differentiates the two as husband and wife.  .

Laura Kelly’s an incredibly competitive person, now there is a way in which we are different, she is much more competitive than I, at one point Laura Kelly was in three different tennis leagues simultaneously,” Daughety said.

It was this trait, Ted Daughety said that helped his wife Laura Kelly become governor of Kansas.

“I was not surprised that the big competitor in the house won,” he said.

Ted Daughety, the third First Gentleman of Kansas's history said he takes pride in his role, not for himself, but because it means more women governors are in power in our country.

Though Ted Daughety plans to continue working as a doctor, one thing he is passionate about in his role as First Gentleman is getting Cedar Crest back to its natural state with more cedar trees in his tertiary.
