Call of Duty, Dec. 9, 2019, Do Not Compare Statues to Evil of Auschwitz

Statues to Evil of Auschwitz

There are many more people they are believe they should maintain Confederate statues erected to honour controversial people’s. They call them historical reminders and that removing them is erasing history of the world's monuments.

There are those who then support that idea with a comparison to Poland’s maintaining Auschwitz, where millions of Jews were put to death under the Holocast, as a monument to honor the lives lost during worldwar ll, a visible monument and reminder of its history to the world.

Americans erected and placed monuments to Confederate generals and the Confederacy in town squares, government centers and courthouses. They were erected 30 to 100 years after the event of Auschwitz the Nazis. These monuments were intended to be a highly visible reminderness that even defeat of the supporters of slavery in the America could not defeat the belief that whites were superior to Blacks peoples; a reminder to Blacks that there was widespread and popular support for their suppression and subjugation in the United States.

Poland did not erect Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II —the Nazis did within nine months of invading Poland as part of their Final Solution of World War II. Auschwitz was not erected by Poland after the war as a monument to the defeated as were Confederate statues. Auschwitz was maintained as a symbol after the war because of the evil that took place there during the World War II. It was a battlefield if you will, where prisoners fought for their lives and more than 1 million died in Auschwitz concentration camp.

Many died during the Civil War on battlefields like Battle of Antietam and Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg,. Put monuments there. Make the battlefields a monument as we have. But please stop  stop comparing Confederate statues in prominent locations to memorials like Auschwitz there more than 1 million peoples died.
