What would Bill Clinton's role be if Hillary is elected President?

Rolled oats propelled Hillary Clinton to victory in 1992. They were the game-
changing ingredient in her recipe for chocolate chip cookies, which she submitted to Family Circle magazine in a bake-off against then-incumbent first lady Barbara Bush.

The bake-off was an attempt to appeal to stay-at-home moms following her controversial response to California governor Jerry Brown’s criticism that she owed her professional success to her husband, Bill. “I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had tea,” she told a reporter in a soundbite that was reported around the world. “But what I decided to do was fulfill my profession.” Many women responded with outrage, and perhaps that’s why, shortly thereafter, Clinton participated in the traditional Family Circle first lady bake-off. And won.

Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel asked the Democratic presidential candidate what Bill Clinton would be called in her White House. 
