Is the white house ready for 1st First Gentleman

Bill Clinton doesn't want his wife to win the U.S.
1st First Gentleman
presidency, according to sources cited in an explosive new book about the $100 million conglomerate that the Clintons have become since they left the White House.

The former president is 'deeply conflicted' about the idea, writes Daniel Halper in 'Clinton Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine,' a well-sourced and easy-reading book released Tuesday.

When Hillary ran in 2008, Mr. Clinton told ABC News that he would 'not get underfoot too much' at the White House. 
'I don't want to get in the way,' he said then. 'I want to do what I am asked to do and what I am needed to do.'
He planned to have an East Wing office and a staff, and also to keep his New York City office at the Clinton Foundation's office.
'It's also not bad for America to have a former president out there helping people solve their problems,' Clinton added. 'I think that I could do a lot of double time, like if she wanted me to go someplace to work with some problem, I could also be doing my foundation work.'
